May 22, 2016


The only problem in running away
Is you never know
Where you are headed

The world opens its gaping mouth
To swallow you whole
And you don't feel a thing

Does it matter
As long as you put distance
In between
What was and what would have been

The only questions that sting
Ask how much farther does one
Need to run

You wonder about the famed escape
Or if it's only the journey
The process of escaping
That matters

Will I taste freedom in all my limbs
And, intoxicated
Make love to one and all and him

Or will I feel its first sting
When the little scrawls on the page
Reveal one that once answered to "I"

Maybe find a footing
In this tragic circus of life.

The trick, perhaps, is to not let your soul take roots
Just in case you need
To run again.



  1. Absolutely stellar ! The way you reached the ending was breath taking!well written as always!


A reflection shared is an insight gained. :)