July 16, 2016


The mind is a fickle master
Who tires as much from reality
As it does from thoughts

Light as air
Heavy as lead
It bears a load too great
Too willingly
Too shy , too desperate to share

Often, I offer her rest
In the dregs of a glass
"Go to your happy place", I tell her

"Forget those faces
And the smell of air hanging heavy 
With forgotten songs
Forget the taste of words you no longer speak
And the sting that waxes and wanes."

"Instead, dive deep into the dark abyss
And hold your breath.
With unblinking eyes, find the new life
And claim it 
Before you catch up with yourself."

At the far end of things
I will let her unravel
And find herself.

1 comment:

A reflection shared is an insight gained. :)