August 17, 2017


I am one whole of a half

All but one

and then some

Between a cozy oblivion

and a searing chaos

I am what you call

A piecemeal person

This patchwork persona

is my design

A cannibal with a conscience

and an uncertain taste

I taste of contradictions

The twin flavours

of love and loss

A shifting gaze

that finds stories

yet unresolved

And voices that speak

more and less

than what you hear

I am, it seems

both the ruler and the ruled

I lead, by example

my rebellious tools

And hold my own

in this no-man’s land

As long as I can.

#101DaysofPoetry Day 7


  1. Are you half of a whole
    Or whole of a half?
    Complete in your incompleteness
    Yet lost in the rays
    That filter through the windows
    Some bright, some dim
    Hands clutching stone
    Waiting to be let out
    Salvation waiting
    In the raindrops hitting your face
    Your life: a storm
    Your body: a repertoire
    Of all that was
    Of all that will.

    1. Where would I be without you and your beautiful words? <3


A reflection shared is an insight gained. :)