April 2, 2016

The Other Language

I do love a good laugh,
Especially the way
Your humour
Travels faster than light
From your eyes to mine.
Bending space and time
Taking the longer round-about
Of hyperboles
And inside jokes
And nicknames too dirty
To hide behind
Our conspiring smiles.
When others hear
What I speak
You know what I say
And know that my words
Make half the sense
They claim to make
To which you reply
In off-target nudges
And ill-timed winks.

Of alternative language!
Blind me with insight
And rattle my funny bone again
Come, match my step
In all the madness
Of this tragic joke called Life.

Note: This goes out to a friendship that has created the best and sustained the worst. 
A., thou art loved!


  1. I love this. Those who are closest to one another do develop a special language, through eyes, voice and body only they speak.

  2. been a while since i read something new from you.... now i can't wait to show this to my friend !


A reflection shared is an insight gained. :)