November 15, 2014


let's look at the stars tonight
and not wish for the quiet sunrises
as part-time lovers
maybe as explorers
standing on the verge of an iceberg
toppling over
tip-toes - frozen and numb
and a heart sunburnt

let's look at the stars tonight
and feign that we still do love
in corrected measured cups
of insolence and indolence
let us spill and slip upon our secrets
our misadventures
tracing the bloodline from the head to the toe
yours and mine and no more

This is the first draft of the poem that I wrote with eyes half-closed with sleep. It is incredible how I wait for days on end for inspiration to strike hard on my brain and it comes into action only when i'm crawling into my bed. Oh, well. 

Please do let me know what you think of it and what it made you think of and if anything does/does not make sense (it probably won't make much sense to me either, to be honest).
Thank you. :)


  1. It';s amazing and I wonder if this is the result of half slumber, then when you are fully awake, what amazing thing it will be!! loved it absolutely:) stay inspired, keep writing. Read your interview a few days back on PU, nice to know about you.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Vandana. Although, I believe I write better when my brain is half-dead (or half-asleep). I'm so glad to know that you liked this. And thanks again for reading through my interview (I realized later that it was way too lengthy, haha).

  2. I love this! Looking at the stars is such an introspective experience and it's also humbling. Reminds us how vast everything is :)


A reflection shared is an insight gained. :)